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Fox Sox Knox Rye Pale Ale

Brewed: 10/24/2010   Kegged: 11/07/2010
knox.jpgI have been thinking for quite some time that I would like to try rye in a beer.  But, when at the Golden City Brewery, I tried their roggenbier and did not much care for it.  My initial thought was that it reminded me of the funky belgium / trappist wheat beers that I really do not like ... and I have always attributed that taste to overly phenolic yeast flavors.  But, just in case the flavor was rye-malt based, I figured I better go light on my first rye beer.  Since then, especially after the GABF, I have decided that I really do like what rye does to beer.

I had listened to the "Can You Brew It: Terrapin Rye Pale Ale" podcast  Terrapin Rye Pale Ale uses less rye than a traditional roggenbier would and is hopped up pretty well so that I think this would be a pretty good way to start with a subtle amount of rye to see how it goes.  The recipe I plugged into Beer Smith followed the recipe on the pod cast pretty closely, although, as always, I switched it up to match the SheppyBrew standard processes.  Then, when I started doing all-grain, I had to modify this recipe accordingly.

I am not sure what style to call this.  It is not really in the American Rye Beer category (too hoppy), and certainly does not have enough rye to be called a roggenbier.  It technically seems to fit in the APA category, but is lower on the hop bitterness for me to just automatically call it an APA.  Plus, with the Fuggle and EKG hops, you might really consider it more of an English Strong Bitter, although I think the dry-hopped Amarillo might take it out of that style.  In the end, I decided to call it an APA.

Knox Label

Fox Sox Knox Rye Pale Ale (AG) --- cost $15.55

American Pale Ale
Batch Size
2.40 gal
All Grain
Boil Size   3.01 gal

Recipe Characteristics

Recipe Gravity
1.058 SG
Estimated FG
1.014 SG
Recipe Bitterness
35.8 IBU (Rager)
Alcohol by Volume
5.68 %
BU : GU   0.617        
Recipe Color
8.1 SRM
Measured OG:    1.062   Measured FG:    1.010
ADF:    83.9%   Measured ABV:    6.79%


Amount Item Type % or IBU
4 lbs 8.0 oz Pale Malt (2 Row) US (2.0 SRM) Grain 75.00 %
8.0 oz Munich Malt (9.0 SRM) Grain 8.33 %
8.0 oz Rye Malt (4.7 SRM) Grain 8.33 %
4.0 oz Honey Malt (25.0 SRM) Grain 4.17 %
4.0 oz Victory Malt (25.0 SRM) Grain 4.17 %
0.75 oz Amarillo Gold [8.50 %] (Dry Hop 3 days) Hops -
0.25 oz Columbus [14.20 %] (40 min) Hops 25.0 IBU
0.50 oz Goldings, East Kent [5.30 %] (20 min) Hops 8.3 IBU
0.25 oz Goldings, East Kent [5.30 %] (10 min) Hops 2.5 IBU
0.25 tsp Irish Moss (Boil 15.0 min) Misc
0.25 tsp Yeast Nutrient (Boil 10.0 min) Misc
1 Pkgs American Ale II (Harvested) (Wyeast Labs #1272) [Starter 125 ml] [Cultured] Yeast-Ale

Mash Profile

Single Infusion, Light Body, Batch Sparge
Step Time Name Description Step Temp
75 min Mash In Add 7.50 qt of water at 161.4 F 150.0 F

Batch Sparge Round 1: Sparge with 0.48 gal of 168.0 F water
Batch Sparge Round 2: Sparge with 1.63 gal of 168.0 F water

Recipe Notes
Ferment 2 days at 64F in conditioning cooler and then let it warm up to 70 for the remainder of a 2 week fermentation.
Batch prime with 2.25 oz table sugar.
Click here to see previous recipes
Brewing Notes:
10/24/2010 Brewing Day esheppy
Did the starter early in the morning today. Probably defeats the purpose of a starter ... but oh well. Brewing day went pretty good. Really vigorous boil and much higher evaporation rate. Pitched at about 65. Slightly high on the OG. Oh well.
No activity. Temp on the keg was down to 58. Added warm water bottle to cooler, and then sanitized a whisk to mix things up. Hopefully this will get it started.
Fermentation going well this morning. Temp at 62. Put ice bottle in. This will be my only temp control for this batch.
There was liquid on the bottom of the cooler when I got home today. I guess I got an overflow, but it might be a leak. I guess I'll have to keep an eye on it. Temp still at 62 and fermentation still crazy.
Listened to CYBI again. Bittering hop was Magnum instead of Columbus. They used Fuggle at 30 and Cascade at flameout. IBU came out to 40.3 on their show. They used a little less 2-row (about 70%), more Munich and Rye (10% each), Victory and Honey about the same I guess. Wonder if I can find the Terrapin Rye PA somewhere.
"Racked" into the bottling bucket for dry-hopping. Did this so I could collect the yeast for 2nd generation. Spilled some of the beer because I left the spigot open. Stupid!
11/07/2010 Bottled esheppy
Bottled up. Got 19 12oz bottle and 2 liter bottles. Sample tasted awesome. Attenuation is almost too good.
11/27/2010 esheppy
Put in conditioning cooler.
Tried the LB. Wow, this is good. It is a lot like Tommy Hawk, especially in the Amarillo aroma and taste. Really nice gold color. A bit cloudy, which might just be since it was the LB. Great white head. Medium to light body. Not sure if I can detect the rye or not. Great beer.
12/18/2010 esheppy
Had one to photograph for this page. It is really a tasty beer. It has a unique color and a great head. Love this beer.
02/17/2011 Still love the Kox esheppy
Been awhile since I had this beer. Had one tonight after working out.So tasty and refreshing. I love it still. I have decided this is different enough from tommy hawk to keep them separate. I would call this more of an APA and TH more of an IPA.
03/10/2011 esheppy
Drank the liter.Really really really good.Nice and hoppy,but very smooth.I had forgotten this is almost 7% abv and I could really feel it.
05/26/2011 esheppy
Had a couple. Yummy. Still hoppy, although probaby not as hoppy as it was younger. Great head.
07/14/2011 esheppy
Wow this tastes great.
07/19/2011 esheppy
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