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Tafel Mystère Belgian Single

Brewed: 12/14/2024   Kegged: 12/22/2024

In May of 2023, I finished off my Melting Stream String Saison faster than I thought I would.TafelMystere.jpg

Knowing that I would have family coming in soon to celebrate my son's graduation from High School, I thought I'd better create a quick table/session beer for me to drink.

I had some unlabeled harvested yeast in the fridge. I was fairly sure it was Belgian Ale Yeast harvested from Dubble Minor and/or Doodle Bop, but I wasn't 100% sure.

Regardless, I figured I would use in this "Mystery" Table beer.

Short boil to get a quick brew day done. Quick fermenation.

Nice little table beer.

I've entered "Belgium Single" as the style, although since I'm not 100% sure that the yeast is Belgian and since I'm using Centennial hops, it might be more of an American Blonde. 

Honestly, though, who care what style I call it as long as I like drinking it.

For more information on this beer, see Sheppy's Blog: Tafel Mystère

Tafel Mystère --- Batch 2 (367)

Style Belgian Single Batch Size 5.50 gal
Type All Grain Boil Size   6.48 gal
Brewhouse Efficiency   65.00   Boil Time   40 minutes

Recipe Characteristics

Recipe Gravity 1.045 SG Estimated FG 1.009 SG
Recipe Bitterness 25.2 IBUs (Rager) Alcohol by Volume 4.8 %
BU : GU   0.561        
Recipe Color 5.1 SRM
Measured OG:   1.046    Measured FG:   1.007 
ADF:   84    Measured ABV:   5.1 


Amt Name Type # %/IBU Volume
8.15 gal Denver, Colorado Water 1 - -
4.00 g Calcium Chloride (Mash) Water Agent 2 - -
4.00 g Gypsum (Calcium Sulfate) (Mash) Water Agent 3 - -
1.00 tsp Lactic Acid (Mash) Water Agent 4 - -
8 lbs Vienna Malt (3.5 SRM) Grain 5 78.0 % 0.63 gal
2 lbs Rye Malt (Proximity) (4.0 SRM) Grain 6 19.5 % 0.16 gal
4.0 oz Sugar, Table (Sucrose) [Boil] (1.0 SRM) Sugar 7 2.4 % 0.02 gal
1.000 oz Centennial [9.80 %] - Boil 35.0 min Hop 8 25.2 IBUs -
1.00 Items Whirlfloc Tablet (Boil 10.0 mins) Fining 9 - -
1.0 pkg Belgian Ale Yeast (Wyeast Labs #1214) [124.21 ml] Yeast 10 - -

Mash Profile

Mash Steps
Name Description Step Temperature Step Time
Saccharification Add 30.86 qt of water at 155.9 F 150.0 F 240 min

If steeping, remove grains, and prepare to boil wort

Recipe Notes
*NOTE: We think the yeast is WY1214, but it might be something else.
Make small yeast starter a day or two before brew day.
Water salts bring Denver water profile (as defined by BeerSmith) to
Acid to bring water pH to around 5.3
Mash as directed. (Overnight mash)
Boil as directed.
Cool wort to as close to 60F as possible.
Ferment in low 60's for a day or two then let the fermentation rise to ambient temp.
Keg after one to two weeks in fermentor. Force carbonate to taste.

Brewing Record

Brew Date:   Strike Temp:  
Mash Temps:  
Pre-boil OG   (1.042 SG)   Pre-boil Vol   (6.48 gal)
Actual Mash Efficiency   Pitch Temp    
Day 1: 
Day ... 
Day ... 

Click here to see previous recipes
Brewing Notes:
11/27/2024 esheppy
Thinking I'll brew this in December to refresh my Belgium yeast harvest. Hoping to brew some more Belgium beers in the first quarter of 2025.
12/04/2024 esheppy
Compared the cost of grains from Tom's ($28.70) vs Brew Hut ($21.90). $6.80 difference in price for such a low grain total seems excessive. I wish the Brew Hut was closer to my home brewery, but almost $7 for an extra 20 minutes round-trip seems like a bargain.
12/07/2024 esheppy
Making a starter with 6 cups water. Really old harvested yeast ... Almost a year and a half. Have some dry yeast as a backup. Planning on picking up ingredients later today, and hope to brew tomorrow.
12/09/2024 esheppy
Didn't brew over the weekend, but I have ingredients and the yeast starter ready to go. Can brew anytime I guess.
12/14/2024 esheppy
Wasn't planning on brewing today, but there isn't much else going on until DU / CC game tonight, so I started up the mash. It is a long one. Usually I'd be sleeping while it goes on.
12/14/2024 esheppy
Brew day went well. OG at 1.046. First batch using the Tilt PI.
12/15/2024 esheppy
Fermentation took off sometime yesterday evening and is now going strong. Tilt says 1.035 at 68. This is the first beer I've used Tilt PI for. It's nice to see gravity and temp from bed.
12/16/2024 esheppy
Still bubbling pretty hard. Tilt says 1.015 at 69 right now. Probably has a day or two of active fermentation left. I killed Will-o-Wisp, so I have room in the beer fridge. I may be able to keg this by the coming weekend.
12/18/2024 esheppy
Bubbling pretty much stopped. Krausen pretty much gone. Beer looking clear. Tilt says 1.003 at 66 degrees. If that is accurate, the ABV is around 5.6% with adf around 92%. I think it's pretty safe to say this is ready to keg.
12/20/2024 esheppy
Tilt says 1.002 at 65. I stopped the log. Need to get this kegged up. Probably tomorrow (Saturday), but we'll see.
12/22/2024 esheppy
Kegged. Calling the fg 1.007, which makes this a 5.1% ABV and 84 adf. Nice ce simple beer. A bit more funk in the nose than the flavor. Fairly balanced. Dry but not overly so.
12/26/2024 esheppy
I've been drinking quite a bit of this, saving Decemberfest and Hooligans for guests who seem to like those beers better. I'm really liking this beer. Nothing too fancy. Just a nice simple beer. Just a touch of the "Belgium" flavor to make it a little more interesting. I suspect this keg will kick quicker than I expect and I'll be surprised when it happens.
01/03/2025 esheppy
Starting to get nice and clear. Tastes great still. Yummy. Simple and easy drinking.
01/10/2025 esheppy
Crystal clear. Nice little Belgium funk with a touch of citrus. Nice simple drinkable beer.
01/19/2025 esheppy
Yummy. Not the most complex beer in the world, but the kind of beer you I can drink a bunch of. 😋
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