SheppyBrew website for SheppyBrew Nano-Brewery.en-usTue, 10 Jun 2003 04:00:00 GMT, 10 Jun 2003 09:41:01 GMT Brew MasterSheppyComment: on Summer Lovin' American Wheat Lovin' American Wheat My wife (aka The SheppyBrew Beer Model) says "No More Summer Lovin'" ... So I guess it's gone. Nice while we had it. 9/8/2024 2:16:58 PM5290#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=41#comments Leaves Autumn Saison Autumnal version of my Saison series of beers. A bit higher in alcohol with some canned pumpkin in the mash.9/6/2024 2:48:38 PM97#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=97-09/06/2024 on Hail Storm Summer Saison Storm Summer Saison Brought a gallon growler up to Breckenridge last weekend. Great beer for anniversary weekend. Clearing out some, but still a bit hazy. Still has that great 3711 yeast character. Great beer.9/6/2024 2:27:03 PM5289#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=92#comments on 1519 Barker Exportbier Barker Exportbier Ordered malts from Tom's Brew Shop. Not sure if I'll brew this weekend or next.9/6/2024 2:22:58 PM5288#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=231#comments on N.T.S. Faux Pilsner Faux Pilsner I think the sulphur/ light-struck character is pretty much gone. The "Voss" orange pith flavor comes through more than I remember last time I tasted the beer. Crystal clear. Great bubbling carbonation. Crisp and refreshing. Really nice beer.9/6/2024 2:05:20 PM5287#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=191#comments on Nargles American Porter American Porter Yummy yummy yummy yummy ??8/29/2024 7:24:52 PM5286#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=230#comments Storm Summer Saison a nice refreshing summer saison. Spiciness of the yeast and saaz hops. No actual spices added. Just water malt hops yeast. 8/27/2024 3:42:00 PM92#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=92-08/27/2024 on Hail Storm Summer Saison Storm Summer Saison Need to drink these summer beers up. It's almost autumn. Yummy. Great tasting. Great looking. Great beer.8/27/2024 3:38:10 PM5285#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=92#comments on Falling Leaves Autumn Saison Leaves Autumn Saison Updated recipe with lower AA%, but exactly the same otherwise. Will most likely brew mid-September.8/26/2024 3:08:34 PM5284#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=97#comments on Summer Lovin' American Wheat Lovin' American Wheat Really orangey. 8/24/2024 6:07:00 PM5283#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=41#comments on Hail Storm Summer Saison Storm Summer Saison Beautiful beer. Delicious. Most saison-like of my Seasonal Saisons. 8/22/2024 7:11:23 PM5282#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=92#comments on N.T.S. Faux Pilsner Faux Pilsner Really getting nice and clear. Straw colored. The sulphur/ light-struck character is starting to fade. Refreshing and crisp. 8/22/2024 5:41:29 PM5281#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=191#comments on Nargles American Porter American Porter Checked into untappd. The citrus hops are starting to fade just a bit. Nice and smooth. A little creamy. Dark chocolate notes. 8/22/2024 5:23:10 PM5280#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=230#comments on Nargles American Porter American Porter Honestly, as I read the American Porter description from the BJCP guide, I'm not sure this really hits the marks. Just too hoppy to satisfy the guidelines. But I love it so much. 8/18/2024 4:23:51 PM5279#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=230#comments on Hail Storm Summer Saison Storm Summer Saison Pale. Hazy. Great French Saison flavor. Some pepper, but more lemon. Nice hoppy flavor. Still on the foamy side, but not too bad. Beautiful white head. Great lacing on side of glass.8/16/2024 12:09:39 PM5278#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=92#comments on Summer Lovin' American Wheat Lovin' American Wheat Checked into untappd. Nice simple refreshing wheat beer with orange zest accent. Beautiful clear gold color. Nice head. 8/15/2024 6:06:29 PM5277#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=41#comments on N.T.S. Faux Pilsner Faux Pilsner Poured from keg. Carbonation is actually pretty good. Not very clear, but it is the first pour. Hoppy. A bit of sulphur. Very pilsner like. Maybe a bit thin. 8/15/2024 5:48:07 PM5276#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=191#comments Faux Pilsner Tettnang and Saaz. Pilsner-like beer fermented with Voss Kveik yeast.8/13/2024 2:29:44 PM191#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=191-08/13/2024 on N.T.S. Faux Pilsner Faux Pilsner Added gelatin. 1/2 tsp into about 3/4 cup water heated over 150 degrees. Carbonation starts now. Should start sampling in a day or two.8/13/2024 8:54:09 AM5275#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=191#comments on N.T.S. Faux Pilsner Faux Pilsner Killed Helles in a Hand Bock-sket, so this keg went into the beer fridge. 8/11/2024 4:28:10 PM5274#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=191#comments on Helles in a Hand Bock-sket in a Hand Bock-sket As predicted... I Killed the keg. Great to the last drop. 8/11/2024 4:25:42 PM5273#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=75#comments on N.T.S. Faux Pilsner Faux Pilsner Kegged. Calling the FG 1.010. The good come through strong with a touch of sulphur. Don't have cold place to put this, but I think I will soon. Maybe tonight or tomorrow. 8/10/2024 4:30:54 PM5272#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=191#comments on Helles in a Hand Bock-sket in a Hand Bock-sket I'm pretty sure the keg will kick before the end of the weekend. Almost 3 months old and still fantastic. Gold. Clear. Bready malt. Floral hops. Great beer. 8/9/2024 4:46:50 PM5271#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=75#comments on Nargles American Porter American Porter Great dark chocolate malt flavor. Wonderful citrus hop flavor. Beautiful black beer. 8/9/2024 4:09:28 PM5270#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=230#comments on Summer Lovin' American Wheat Lovin' American Wheat Nice gold beer. Orange. Refreshing. 8/8/2024 4:25:30 PM5269#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=41#comments on Hail Storm Summer Saison Storm Summer Saison Still foamy and I'm not sure the flow control really helps all the much. The beer is awesome, though. Great Saison. 8/8/2024 3:29:17 PM5268#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=92#comments on N.T.S. Faux Pilsner Faux Pilsner It looks ready to keg now too. Tilt says 1.012 at 70 degrees. Need to get a keg cleaned and then finish up one of the beers currently on tap. I think Hand Bock-sket is probably the next keg to kick.8/7/2024 7:45:42 AM5267#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=191#comments on N.T.S. Faux Pilsner Faux Pilsner Brought the fermenter in from the garage today to cool down some. Tilt said 1.012 at 79 degrees when I brought it in. Still planning on kegging this weekend, but may get to it before then. Probably won't be able to chill for awhile yet.8/6/2024 10:08:14 AM5266#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=191#comments on N.T.S. Faux Pilsner Faux Pilsner Less than 24 hours and the fermentation seems pretty much done. No krausen. Little bubbling. Tilt says 1.014 at 86. degrees. Very hazy still, so I need some flocculation to occur. Not sure when I'll bring inside from garage. 8/5/2024 5:29:40 AM5265#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=191#comments on Nargles American Porter American Porter Still yummy. 8/4/2024 5:17:00 PM5264#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=230#comments on Helles in a Hand Bock-sket in a Hand Bock-sket Such a great beer. #WillDrinkInAugust ??8/4/2024 4:51:11 PM5263#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=75#comments on N.T.S. Faux Pilsner Faux Pilsner Fermentation was rocking after a three hour bike ride. Tilt already down 4 points at 1.040 and temp is 89. Might be done by tomorrow. 8/4/2024 12:13:34 PM5262#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=191#comments on N.T.S. Faux Pilsner Faux Pilsner Brew day went well. Got started a little before 6 and pitched yeast before 9. Pre-boil gravity was low, but somehow og actually isn't far off. Pitched yeast at about 80. Pack of yeast expired a couple months ago, so I'll keep an eye on fermentation the next couple hours. I have a back up pack in case this one is dead. Calling og 1.045. 8/4/2024 8:06:20 AM5261#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=191#comments on Hail Storm Summer Saison Storm Summer Saison Poured a pint from the faucet. At high PSI, beer is foamy, but still needs carbonation. Love the flavor. 8/1/2024 2:41:13 PM5260#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=92#comments on N.T.S. Faux Pilsner Faux Pilsner Picked up malts and yeast from Tom's. Still planning on brewing this weekend.8/1/2024 12:21:26 PM5259#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=191#comments on Hail Storm Summer Saison Storm Summer Saison Let the beer chill overnight before putting the gas on. Set to about 28. Just recently got a flow-control faucet, and this is the first beer on that tap.7/31/2024 7:25:56 AM5258#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=92#comments on Hail Storm Summer Saison Storm Summer Saison Kegged. Calling the FG 1.003, which makes this a 6.2% ABV beer with 94 ADF. Nice French Saison flavor with wonderful hop character. Wonderful beer. Left side of kegerator.7/30/2024 3:51:41 PM5257#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=92#comments on N.T.S. Faux Pilsner Faux Pilsner Updating the recipe and ordering malts. Will probably brew on Sunday.7/30/2024 1:41:07 PM5256#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=191#comments on Hail Storm Summer Saison Storm Summer Saison Tilt says 1.004 at 69 degrees. Looks nice and clear. Ready to keg any time. Actually killed Clan DunBroch Scottish Ale on Sunday, so just need to clean a keg. Who knows when I'll actually get around to it, though.7/30/2024 12:47:21 PM5255#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=92#comments on Summer Lovin' American Wheat Lovin' American Wheat When Dunbroch kicked .25 into a pour I blended this in. Actually not too bad a combo. 7/28/2024 4:41:04 PM5254#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=41#comments on Clan DunBroch Scottish Ale DunBroch Scottish Ale Keg kicked as I was pouring a pint. Ended up filling the rest wit Summer Lovin'. Loved this beer while it lasted. Need to keg Hail Storm now. 7/28/2024 4:35:56 PM5253#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=229#comments American Porter 20A American Porter.7/26/2024 4:38:58 PM230#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=230-07/26/2024 on Helles in a Hand Bock-sket in a Hand Bock-sket Of course, it's been long enough that I can't possibly remember, but I think this is at least as good as the award winning batch from back in 2013. Hard to believe it has been 11 years! I'm almost certain that this is more clear than that beer. I would be willing to bet this would do great in competition as well.7/26/2024 4:38:41 PM5252#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=75#comments on Nargles American Porter American Porter Such a gorgeous black beer. Nice tan-ish head. I can't get over how much I like the citrus hops in the rich dark chocolate malt flavor. Not real heavy in body. Love the beer.7/26/2024 4:17:40 PM5251#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=230#comments on Clan DunBroch Scottish Ale DunBroch Scottish Ale Still going. Wonderful thick, creamy white head (just slightly off-white). I've referenced the beautiful red color a bunch, and I'm still loving it. Great malt flavor without being too sweet. Love the beer.7/26/2024 3:35:40 PM5250#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=229#comments on Hail Storm Summer Saison Storm Summer Saison Bubbling slowing down and krausen starting to really thin out. Tilt says 1.006 at 71 degrees. Still have a ways to go clarity-wise, and probably a few more gravity points. Can't wait to get this kegged and start drinking it.7/24/2024 12:09:48 PM5249#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=92#comments on Hail Storm Summer Saison Storm Summer Saison Tilt says 1.015 at 74 degrees. Still going strong. Love the hop aroma out of the air lock.7/23/2024 7:12:32 AM5248#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=92#comments on Hail Storm Summer Saison Storm Summer Saison Brew day went pretty well yesterday,although finishing up in the afternoon seems weird. My pre-boil was low, but I went with it. And my OG is as also low at 1.050. Fermentation took off strong sometime overnight. Tilt says 1.042 at 71 degrees. 7/22/2024 5:10:26 AM5247#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=92#comments on Summer Lovin' American Wheat Lovin' American Wheat Just a nice refreshing beer. Not too much of any component. Love the orange zest character in this beer.7/21/2024 10:56:11 AM5246#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=41#comments on Hail Storm Summer Saison Storm Summer Saison Picked up ingredients and then decided to go ahead and brew. Pretty late to get started ... but oh well ... need the beer to keep the pipeline full.7/21/2024 10:55:01 AM5245#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=92#comments on Helles in a Hand Bock-sket in a Hand Bock-sket Over two months old now. #WillDrinkInJuly. Still seems to be half full. I must be drinking more responsibly recently. Crystal clear ... can read Zymurgy through the glass. Flavor about the same. Yummy beer.7/19/2024 3:18:50 PM5244#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=75#comments on Hail Storm Summer Saison Storm Summer Saison Placed order at Tom's. Think I'll brew this weekend.7/19/2024 3:14:49 PM5243#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=92#comments on Nargles American Porter American Porter Beautiful black beer. Carbonation perfect. Nice chocolate notes. Smooth malt flavor. Significant citrus hop flavor. Actually might be hoppier than some black ipa's I've had. I remember loving an American Stout at Dry Dock years ago whose hop flavor blew me away. This beer reminds me of my memory of that one. Love it7/18/2024 7:18:35 PM5242#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=230#comments on Clan DunBroch Scottish Ale DunBroch Scottish Ale Most gorgeous beer I've had in quite awhile. Ruby red and crystal clear. Thick head. Caramel with a touch of roast. Toasty. Not too sweet. Won't last much longer. 7/18/2024 6:35:05 PM5241#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=229#comments on Nargles American Porter American Porter Actually poured some from the keg. Certain needs more carbonation, but I'm pleasantly surprised how awesome this already is. I do actually detect more of the Cascade / Centennial than I thought I did at kegging time. I'm really liking this beer.7/11/2024 3:00:10 PM5240#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=230#comments on Nargles American Porter American Porter Finally kegged. FG is at 1.012, which makes this a 6.4% ABV beer. Nice subtle coffee flavor. A bit of coffee. Not sure I taste the American hops, but there is a firm bitterness. I feel like I'm going to love this beer.7/9/2024 10:16:04 AM5239#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=230#comments on Nargles American Porter American Porter I would have kegged by now, but I've been out of town. Then I got lazy over the weekend. Anyway, Tilt now says 1.010 at 69. Hopefully kegging soon.7/8/2024 12:04:47 PM5238#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=230#comments on Clan DunBroch Scottish Ale DunBroch Scottish Ale Yummy. Red red red. Nice and malty. 7/7/2024 5:33:40 PM5237#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=229#comments on Summer Lovin' American Wheat Lovin' American Wheat Getting pretty clear. Refreshing with nice orange flavor. 7/7/2024 5:01:23 PM5236#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=41#comments on Helles in a Hand Bock-sket in a Hand Bock-sket Been over a week since I've had any SheppyBrew. This one tastes the same as last comment. Might be a bit more clear. Great beer. 7/7/2024 3:52:58 PM5235#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=75#comments on Clan DunBroch Scottish Ale DunBroch Scottish Ale Gorgeous ruby red. Very clear. Wonderful caramel malt bill. A little foamy when pouring after sitting for a bit. Second pour perfect. 6/27/2024 4:28:38 PM5234#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=229#comments on Summer Lovin' American Wheat Lovin' American Wheat Pouring really nice right now. Good carbonation without being too foamy. Great orange zest flavor. 6/27/2024 3:49:50 PM5233#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=41#comments on Summer Lovin' American Wheat Lovin' American Wheat Fruity. Subtle orange. Nice thirst quencher. Nice in the summer heat today. The Beer Model gave her endorsement. The beer from the growler (minus zest) is actually really clear. Interesting. 6/23/2024 4:12:07 PM5232#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=41#comments on Helles in a Hand Bock-sket in a Hand Bock-sket Delicious. Bready with a touch of cherry. More clear. A little too high in ABV for this summer heat, but yummy to drink ??6/23/2024 3:51:57 PM5231#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=75#comments on Nargles American Porter American Porter Not much change. Maybe a little clearer. Krausen completely gone. Tilt reading the same. 6/23/2024 3:48:23 PM5230#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=230#comments on Nargles American Porter American Porter Fermentation seems to be done. No bubbling. Krausen is almost completely gone. Starting to look a little more clear (and black). I will let this go at least a couple more days, but I really might keg it early.6/21/2024 7:14:18 AM5229#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=230#comments on Summer Lovin' American Wheat Lovin' American Wheat Pretty well chilled, but not carbed yet. Can really taste the zest now. Nice little summer beer. 6/20/2024 4:21:07 PM5228#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=41#comments on Nargles American Porter American Porter Racking on the yeast cake made the beer rock by early afternoon. Still going strong today. Tilt says 1.023 at 73 degrees.6/20/2024 7:08:57 AM5227#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=230#comments on Nargles American Porter American Porter Juneteenth brew day. Got started around 5:45AM. At first I was thinking that the LHBS hadn't given me the whole 12oz of Midnight Wheat, but after mashing awhile it got where I thought it should be. The sparge didn't really give me the efficiency boost that I thought it would, but I'm not sure it actually calculated right. I had to add .5lbs DME and boil and extra 15 minutes, but the OG was 1.060, which is right on plan. Just racked over the yeast cake of Summer Lovin. It will be interesting to see if I detect any coriander flavor. Am pretty much cleaned up a little before 10am.6/19/2024 9:00:26 AM5226#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=230#comments Lovin' American Wheat beer model wanted to brew a beer like New Belgium's Sunshine Wheat on the 2011 National National Home-Brew Day.6/19/2024 7:34:12 AM41#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=41-06/19/2024 on Clan DunBroch Scottish Ale DunBroch Scottish Ale When I kegged Summer Lovin, I felt this keg. It doesn't appear to have much left.6/19/2024 5:57:41 AM5224#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=229#comments on Summer Lovin' American Wheat Lovin' American Wheat Kegged. I had some issues with the zest, but I think I got about an ounce and a half in the keg in a muslin bag. Calling the FG 1.008. This puts the beer right at 5.3% ABV. Not getting a whole lot of orange flavor from the coriander, but the beer is pretty much what we've come to expect otherwise. Chilling in kegerator. 6/19/2024 5:56:43 AM5223#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=41#comments on Nargles American Porter American Porter Bought ingredients at Tom's today. Jose seemed to think it would be more of the color of a brown ale, so I'm wondering if it will actually turn out as black as I thought. But, I guess we'll see.6/17/2024 8:51:06 AM5222#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=230#comments on Summer Lovin' American Wheat Lovin' American Wheat Nice and clear now. The wife got some zesting oranges over the weekend, so we are ready to keg anytime. Tilt says 1.008 at 68.6/17/2024 8:49:13 AM5221#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=41#comments on Clan DunBroch Scottish Ale DunBroch Scottish Ale Had my wife's parents visiting this past weekend. This was their favorite of what was on tap.6/17/2024 8:47:12 AM5220#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=229#comments on Melting Stream Spring Saison Stream Spring Saison The Beer Model killed this keg pouring for her parents. Drunkards! Need to get brewing.6/14/2024 3:28:33 PM5219#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=105#comments on Summer Lovin' American Wheat Lovin' American Wheat Bubbling slowed WAY down, and the krausen is almost gone. Tilt says 1.009 at 69 degrees. Need to let it go at least a couple more days just to get it finished up. Also still need zesting oranges. But, can probably keg this early to mid next week.6/14/2024 7:41:43 AM5218#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=41#comments on Melting Stream Spring Saison Stream Spring Saison Lemony. Dry. Refreshing. Smooth. Fruity. Citrus. Balanced. 6/13/2024 5:49:26 PM5217#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=105#comments on Clan DunBroch Scottish Ale DunBroch Scottish Ale Yummy. Deep ruby red. Clear. Malty. Yummy. 6/13/2024 5:47:33 PM5216#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=229#comments on Helles in a Hand Bock-sket in a Hand Bock-sket #WillDrinkInJune. Great bready malt character. Loving this beer. I think the only improvement I can think of is making it lower ABV ... But it wouldn't be a Maibock then ??6/13/2024 4:49:45 PM5215#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=75#comments on Summer Lovin' American Wheat Lovin' American Wheat Still bubbling away, but slowing down and the krausen is starting to fall. Tilt says 1.012 at 70 degrees.6/13/2024 2:48:46 PM5214#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=41#comments on Summer Lovin' American Wheat Lovin' American Wheat Still going strong with lots of krausen. Tilt says 1.019 at 71 degrees. Need to get some zest oranges.6/12/2024 7:26:12 AM5213#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=41#comments on Summer Lovin' American Wheat Lovin' American Wheat Bubbling away. Tilt says 1.029 at 70. Doesn't look like I'll need a blow-off tube.6/11/2024 11:39:31 AM5212#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=41#comments on Summer Lovin' American Wheat Lovin' American Wheat Not a whole lot going on yet, but I do think it will be rocking soon. Tilt day 1.044 at 64. 6/10/2024 7:00:15 AM5211#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=41#comments on Summer Lovin' American Wheat Lovin' American Wheat Brewed today. Mash before church. Boil after. Everything went well. OG a little low at 1.048, but I got more than 6 gallons in there. Tilt has the temp at 64F. Might need a bow off tube. We'll see how it looks tomorrow. 6/9/2024 10:21:00 AM5210#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=41#comments on Helles in a Hand Bock-sket in a Hand Bock-sket I'd call this crystal clear now. Wonderful flavor. Carbonation perfect. Think this is what I remember tasting when I first thought I'd submit batch 1 for competition. 6/7/2024 5:11:12 PM5209#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=75#comments on Melting Stream Spring Saison Stream Spring Saison Really starting to get clear, so it might be running out. Great lemony flavor. Great beer. 6/7/2024 5:09:30 PM5208#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=105#comments on Clan DunBroch Scottish Ale DunBroch Scottish Ale Checked into untapped during halftime of the NBA Finals. Great beer. Touch of roast? Crystal clear. Gorgeous red. 6/6/2024 6:46:04 PM5207#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=229#comments on Summer Lovin' American Wheat Lovin' American Wheat Bought ingredients today. Planning on brewing Sunday.6/4/2024 12:30:07 PM5205#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=41#comments on Alex's Golden Paradise Tangerine Wheat's Golden Paradise Tangerine Wheat Killed the keg. Makes me think of the Michelob Ultra / Diet beer type thing. I bet my sister-in-law would like this. Anyway, I think I'll be brewing Summer Lovin' next, which is probably more what the Beer Model was wanting this beer to be. Not sure why she didn't just have us brew that beer.5/29/2024 3:56:34 PM5204#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=228#comments on Clan DunBroch Scottish Ale DunBroch Scottish Ale Gorgeous deep red beer. Great thick off-white creamy head. Great caramel malt flavor with just enough EKG to balance it out. Love the Irish yeast flavor.5/24/2024 3:29:06 PM5203#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=229#comments on Helles in a Hand Bock-sket in a Hand Bock-sket Clarity looking pretty good now. Carbonation almost there, but needs a bit more. Still loving the flavor. 5/24/2024 2:57:13 PM5202#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=75#comments on Melting Stream Spring Saison Stream Spring Saison Fantastic beer. Love the French Saison flavor with the lemon drop and saaz dry hop aroma. Pouring great now. Might be low carbonation for the style, but I don't care. 5/23/2024 6:16:26 PM5201#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=105#comments on Alex's Golden Paradise Tangerine Wheat's Golden Paradise Tangerine Wheat About the same. Nice session beer. Actually a good blend with the Saison. 5/22/2024 4:35:59 PM5200#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=228#comments on Helles in a Hand Bock-sket in a Hand Bock-sket ... Poured some from the keg to get more headspace for carbonation and to get some of the junk up off the bottom. Really loving the flavor. 5/19/2024 4:20:44 PM5199#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=75#comments on Helles in a Hand Bock-sket in a Hand Bock-sket Added gelatin. 5/19/2024 11:42:50 AM5198#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=75#comments on Helles in a Hand Bock-sket in a Hand Bock-sket Kegged today. Not very clear, but I'm sure gelatin and cold and time will clear it up. FG at 1.012, which is lower than planned, but good. Great maibock flavor. Chilling on right side of beer fridge right now.5/17/2024 6:10:15 PM5197#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=75#comments on McShepardSons Irish Ale Irish Ale Killed the keg. Good to the last drop. Nice because now I have room for Helles in a Hand Bock-sket5/17/2024 5:24:34 PM5196#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=200#comments on Helles in a Hand Bock-sket in a Hand Bock-sket Still have not kegged. Need to get that done soon, but it probably doesn't hurt to let this age a bit. Tilt says 1.015 at 67 degrees.5/16/2024 12:58:52 PM5195#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=75#comments on McShepardSons Irish Ale Irish Ale Keep thinking this is going to blow every time I take some. Still tasting great. Crystal clear and gorgeous. 5/15/2024 6:14:58 PM5194#/recipes/recipe.aspx?id=200#comments