Psychotically Dark and Bitter IDA
Brewed: 08/25/2011 Kegged: 09/10/2011

Well, I still had Mr. Beer ingredients that Peter had given me after the 2010 GABF. I decided that it had been way too long since I had made something hoppy and dark. I wanted an IDA (see Stone Soup IDA). As luck would have it, part of Peter's care package had been some Creamy Brown UME and some Bewitched Red Ale HME, which would come out pretty close in color to Stone Soup. I also had plenty of Columbus hops sitting in my freezer.
Of course, India Dark Ale (IDA) is what I like to call the Black IPA /
Cascadian Dark Ale / American-Style India Black Ale /
whatever-else-people-call-it. I don't really like the Cascadian Dark Ale name
simply because it implies that is a regional beer style exclusively
created in and for the Pacific Northwest. I like (and have used) the
name "Black IPA", but calling a beer "Black" and "Pale Ale" just seems
too oxymoronish. I like "American-Style India Black Ale", but it seems a
bit long for the name of a style. Here are some of the articles in my
blog in which I have mentioned the style: "Black IPA / IDA", "Cascadian Dark Ale", "Stone Soup IDA".Regardless
of what you call it, the IDA style is one of my favorites. Psychotically Dark and Bitter IDA is dark in color with lots of chocolate notes masking lots of alcohol. It should finish pretty dry, but the maltiness should still come through. The ridiculous amount of Columbus flavoring hops provide lots of citrusy hop flavor and a decent amount of bitterness to balance out the malty and alcohol sweetness. I ended up dry-hopping this beer with .5oz columbus hops a couple days before bottling. 
The label is similar to that of Stone Soup with some computer generated art-work that the boys did instead of pictures of them. Not my best work, but it does its job for this (most likely) one-time beer.
Here is a blog entry about the first time (maybe to be the only time) I brewed this:
Psychotically Dark and Bitter IDA --- $32.11
Style |
India Dark Ale |
Batch Size |
2.40 gal |
Type |
Extract |
Boil Size |
1.22 gal |
Mash Efficiency |
Boil Time |
15 minutes |
Recipe Characteristics
Recipe Gravity |
1.064 SG |
Estimated FG |
1.009 SG |
Recipe Bitterness |
48.5 IBUs (Rager) |
Alcohol by Volume |
7.2 % |
BU : GU |
0.760 |
Recipe Color |
22.5 SRM |
Measured OG: |
1.068 |
Measured FG: |
1.018 |
ADF: |
73.5% |
Measured ABV: |
6.6% |
Amt |
Name |
Type |
# |
%/IBU |
1 lbs 3.4 oz |
Mr. Beer Bewitched Red HME (17.0 SRM) |
Extract |
7 |
28.6 % |
1 lbs 3.4 oz |
Mr. Beer Creamy Brown UME (95.0 SRM) |
Extract |
1 |
28.6 % |
13.0 oz |
Mr. Beer Booster (0.0 SRM) |
Sugar |
3 |
19.1 % |
1.75 oz |
Columbus (Tomahawk) [14.20 %] - Boil 10.0 min |
Hop |
4 |
37.1 IBUs |
0.50 oz
| Columbus Dry Hop for a couple days
| Hop
1 lbs |
Briess Wheat LME (3.0 SRM) |
Extract |
2 |
23.6 % |
3.00 tsp |
Yeast Nutrient (Boil 15 mins) |
Other |
6 |
- |
1.0 pkg |
Safale American (DCL/Fermentis #US-05) [50.28 ml] |
Yeast |
5 |
- | Recipe Notes Dissolve booster for a few minutes in warmish
water while bringing one gallon of water to boil in brew pot. When the water is
boiling, add LME, UME and booster to the pot and let it go through hot break.
After the hot break, add hops and yeast nutrient and start 15 minute
timer. After 15 minute boil, remove from heat and add HME. Cool in ice
bath. Pour in fermenter and add water to 2.4 gallon mark. Add dry yeast,
aerate. Ferment at 60 to 65 for a couple days and then let temperature rise
to wherever it wants to go. Ferment 2 weeks. Batch prime with 2.2 oz table
sugar. Carb for two weeks. Chill, drink, enjoy.