She Who Must Be Obeyed Wheat
Brewed: 01/28/2017 Kegged: 02/14/2017
Well, in mid-August of 2013, I needed to brew something so that my wife would have a beer in the keggerator. I asked her what she wanted. She wasn't much help. I looked through some of the Beer Model's favorites, but none of them really jumped out at me. I felt I had brewed Buckwheat's BPA enough for awhile. Ello Poppet is a lager and would take too long. I just did the Summer Lovin' Un-Wheat, and didn't really feel like zesting enough orange for Summer Lovin' Wheat or Whisky Wife Wit. I didn't really want to do a fruit beer like Apricot Lovin' American Wheat or even Boo Berry American Wheat. Laser Salt Sandy Blonde Ale was a possibility, but in the end I decided to come up with a new recipe.It actually became a new favorite, not only of the Beer Model, but for me as well.
So, I decided it would take elements from all those beers. It uses Marris Otter like Laser Salt. It has a pretty good portion of Biscuit and Caramunich like Buckwheat's BPA. It uses Tettnang, one of the hops from Ello Poppet. It is a wheat beer like the wheat beers that she likes so much. Everything works together to make a nice wheat beer with a bit more color and some biscuit and caramel Munich notes. It turned out AWESOME. It was light and refreshing and very flavorful. The beer had a nice almond ester flavor coming through. I really loved the beer.
It didn't last very long. We will have to make it again sometime. For more about this beer on my blog, see the SWMBO label. ![BeerModelTommyKnocker_small.jpg](/Images/BeerModelTommyKnocker_small.jpg)
Style |
American Wheat Beer |
Batch Size |
5.50 gal |
Type |
All Grain |
Boil Size |
7.77 gal |
Brewhouse Efficiency |
75.00 |
Boil Time |
90 minutes | Recipe Characteristics
Recipe Gravity |
1.049 SG |
Estimated FG |
1.009 SG |
Recipe Bitterness |
19.6 IBUs (Rager) |
Alcohol by Volume |
5.2 % |
BU : GU |
0.404 |
Recipe Color |
6.1 SRM |
Measured OG: |
1.046 |
Measured FG: |
1.012 |
ADF: |
74 |
Measured ABV: |
4.5 | Ingredients
Amt |
Name |
Type |
# |
%/IBU |
4 lbs 8.0 oz |
Wheat Malt, Ger (2.0 SRM) |
Grain |
1 |
48.0 % |
4 lbs |
Pale Malt, Maris Otter (3.0 SRM) |
Grain |
2 |
42.7 % |
8.0 oz |
Biscuit Malt (23.0 SRM) |
Grain |
3 |
5.3 % |
6.0 oz |
Caramunich Malt (45.0 SRM) |
Grain |
4 |
4.0 % |
0.500 oz |
Magnum [12.70 %] - Boil 35.0 min |
Hop |
5 |
15.6 IBUs |
1.000 oz |
Tettnang [3.90 %] - Boil 15.0 min |
Hop |
6 |
4.1 IBUs |
2.00 tsp |
Yeast Nutrient (Boil 15.0 mins) |
Other |
7 |
- |
0.50 tsp |
Irish Moss (Boil 10.0 mins) |
Fining |
8 |
- |
1.0 pkg |
Dry English Ale (White Labs #WLP007) [35.49 ml] |
Yeast |
9 |
- | Mash Profile
Mash Steps
Name |
Description |
Step Temperature |
Step Time |
Mash In |
Add 11.72 qt of water at 159.1 F |
148.0 F |
75 min | Batch sparge with 2 steps
(2.08gal, 3.88gal) of 168.0 F water
Recipe Notes Mash and boil as
ingredients called. Cool the wort to as close to 60 degrees as possible.
Pitch the starter yeast. Cool fermentation on first day only. Let temperature
rise as it wants after that. Ferment 2 weeks. Keg. Carbonate to 2.5
Brewing Record
Brew Date: |
1/28/2017 |
Strike Temp: |
160 |
Mash Temps: |
Pre-boil OG |
(1.039 SG) |
Pre-boil Vol |
8 (7.77 gal) |
Actual Mash Efficiency |
Pitch Temp |
68 |
Fermentation |
Day 1: Nice kraussen. 64 |
Day 2: Going strong. 68 |
Day ... |
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